I caught Amaya with her hands down in the toilet this evening.
My first reaction: FREAK OUT.
And not in the good dancing kind of way.
The, "What-ARE-you-DOING?!-That-IS-SOOOO-YUCKY!-You-are-so-weird!!!!" kind of way.
She turned her head to me, and said, "Mommy, I love you." And smiled so sweetly.
Oh. My.
My girl already knows how to work it.
She doesn't know how to read letters or numbers, but she's fluent in people.
Ha ha ha... Cute.
Yeah, Cute with Chris....
That's all you need!
I like Amaya. being fluent in people is the best quality one could have.
hee hee hee. I really wish I knew how to work it like that. I could take a lesson from that child. In fact, I am GOING to take a lesson from that child.
The photo was perfect!
I would just like to say that Kegan does this same thing. The buttering-up-thing, not the toilet thing.
isn't it fun to have a girl? i love the photo. when isaac is caught he just smiles and runs away laughing, "mama get me!!!!"
That is totally Amaya summed up in a blog. Love her.
Eden did that the other night too- so nasty.
how do they get so good at "working it" at such a young age. never ceases to amaze me, ivy is very fluent in people too and it kills me.
hope the toilet was clean!
My toilet is never clean. Or at least I would never eat off of it.
Or in it.
Syl--You are so right. Kegan does do that. He is so good at getting what he wants.
haha holy crap i was planning on reading your blog but there was way tooo much writing!
-Tristan (m)(>.<)(m)
nice song btw(by the way)
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