Wednesday, November 5, 2008


1. Amaya: "Mom, can I go to the party a little later on?"
(there was no party, she just figured if she requested, that a party could be summoned.)

2. After hearing a loud noise on the tv, Amaya said, "Oh! Was that John McCain?" She also calls Obama "Uncle Bama." I claim total ignorance on this one.

3. "The lama says, 'no touchee, no touchee.'" (yes, this would be from "The Emperor's New Groove". For a second after she said this, I was thinking, "What? Is that what a lama sounds like?")

So tell me, just what are we teaching this child?


jessi said...

Your daughter is ADORABLE!!!!!!! i LOVE her!!!!!!!!!!!! (that's a weird movie, though, even if llamas are cool...XD)

Masayuki said...

I love that child. Too bad to her, Obama is more of an uncle than I am... I will have to change this...

The Crash Test Dummy said...

No, you tell me, just what ARE you teaching this child?

Uncle Bama? Sheesh!

Unknown said...

I love the emperor's new groove! what a cutie?

cailin said...

Ha. I did the same double take, wondering how a lama sounds like to a toddler. So sweet. Jarom now says, "Move it, move it" from the I like to move it song on Madagascar. Funny kids.